About Me

Why the name E-master? I acquired this name from my colleagues after I had designed a knowledge portal off work hours during the initial days of my career. The motivation behind the development of this idea was simple; the need of the hour!
Any technical/Non-Technical Customer Support centre needs to address the customer query within a few seconds. You also need to resolve the technical issues by finding the root cause and solving it within strict timelines. The challenge was browsing through numerous manuals, websites and documents to find the right information. All I did was to collate every content needed from every source for every query and made it available online to the team. Within no time, all my colleagues started using it and nicknamed me “E-master”. That’s how my journey began in the field of Knowledge management, way long before I ever heard the word “Knowledge Management.”
It all sprouted with a few simple questions.

Ever since those days to recent times, the challenges in the organizations are fundamentally the same and has only increased multifold with the sophistication of technology. The need remains the same; however, the questions keep changing in every role!

Accredited Auditor for ISO 30401 Standard

Contact me to:
  • Conduct Masterclass based on the Design Knowledge Management System Book
  • conduct ISO 30401 KMS Audits for organizations
  • Coach/Train Individuals on ISO 30401 KMS standard
  • Free Webinars on ISO 30401 KMS standard

You can reach to me at:

Connect with me :

New Book Released Recently

For Stronger Knowledge-based-Economies and Societies ;
Design Knowledge Management System
– A Practical Guide to implement Knowledge Management Standards

Order your copy @ Amazon

Visit http://www.iso30401kms.com

Book Also Available Here


Conferences / Key Note Speaker / KM workshops
  • The fifth pre-conference meeting of the International Conference on Digital Content Management, May 6, 2021 Iran,Tehran (Online)
  • Conference Speaker – Aurion Middle East – “KM and ISO 30401 KM standard” on 2nd May 2021 (Online)
  • Conducted KM workshop on “ISO 30401 KMS” for American University of Emirates to Master Students (Online) 29th and 30th April 2021
  • Guest Speaker on “ISO 30401 KMS” for NTU Singapore University for Msc, KM students on 16th March 2021 (Online)
  • Knowledge Café – “Why do we need ISO 30401 KMS standard ?” Organized by John Hovell, KMI in July 2020
  • APQC – Talk on “Quadrant based Document/record Management System” 2013 July
KM Articles/ Resources / Book
  • KM Standards applicability and Adoptability – Poll Results Report – published in RealKM Oct 2020
  • KnowledgeWebCast – Interviews with KM Experts and Executives Every Month 2020-2021
  • “Design Knowledge Management System” book published on Feb 2021

To view KM experts interview watch

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